
View Responses
Survey Statistics
Title: MMOHSC Feedback Survey
Description: 2009 Rider/Participant feedback to MMOHSC
Date Activated 8/4/2009
Total Participants: 31
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Response Statistics

Question:  Are you an registered member of MMOHSC?
Number of responses:  31
Download responses:  HTML format | Excel-compatible format (Help with Excel import)
Yes  83.9%
No  16.1%

Question:  Favorite show site?
Number of responses:  31
Download responses:  HTML format | Excel-compatible format (Help with Excel import)
Alma  0%
Ithaca  6.5%
Gladwin  3.2%
Midland  45.2%
Mount Pleasant  45.2%

Question:  What's your favorite show?
Number of responses:  29
Download responses:  HTML format | Excel-compatible format (Help with Excel import)

Question:  Suggestions for Newsletter items?
Number of responses:  12
Download responses:  HTML format | Excel-compatible format (Help with Excel import)

Question:  Suggestions for circuit improvements?
Number of responses:  25
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Question:  Does the website provide the information you require?
Number of responses:  24
Download responses:  HTML format | Excel-compatible format (Help with Excel import)

Question:  What changes would you like made to the web site?
Number of responses:  17
Download responses:  HTML format | Excel-compatible format (Help with Excel import)

Question:  Name and email if you'd like feedback.
Number of responses:  9
Download responses:  HTML format | Excel-compatible format (Help with Excel import)