2025 |
08-Feb |
Removed Volunteer sign-up link from main page. |
02-Feb |
Emailed notification regarding Treasurer. |
22-Oct |
Showbill published |
2024 |
06-Feb |
Published 2022 version of By-Laws. Changed annual meeting from
November to February. |
09-Jan |
Showbill published |
2023 |
15-Oct |
Award notification letters emailed. Response by 31-Oct |
23-May |
Moved classes 9,18 from Leadline 8 & Under to Walk Only 8 & Under |
06-Feb |
May 13th show results published |
09-Jan |
Showbill published |
2022 |
31-Aug |
Award emails sent |
18-Jan |
Showbill published |
2021 |
07-Sep |
Award emails sent |
18-Feb |
February newsletter available
February 2021 News Letter |
2020 |
03-Aug |
Added Ranch Riding to August 8 and 9 shows. Showbill
and Entry forms updated. |
30-Jul |
August 1-2:
Saturday Patterns
Sunday Patterns |
22-Jul |
July 25-26:
Saturday Patterns -
Sunday Patterns
Showmanship 6-15
Showmanship Jackpot
English Equitation Pattern Jackpot
Western Horsemanship Pattern Jackpo |
01-Feb |
February 2020 News Letter |
03-Jan |
Added show dates to main Page. Published Board Member
Tournament Flyer |
2019 |
14-Nov |
Published draft version of
2019 showbill. |
2018 |
11-Nov |
Removed banquet information.
- Added 2019 show dates to main
- Updated
By-Law Addendum per email from Kellie Hamonn. |
04-Oct |
2019 show dates available:
May 11, 2019 FUZZY SHOW
MAY 25, 2019 TALLY HO
JUNE 22 & 23, 2019 COWGIRL UP
23-Jun |
Patterns |
Patterns |
Jackpot showmanship 5 |
Showmanship 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 |
Showmanship 6, 7, 8 |
English Equitation Jackpot 19A |
Showmanship 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 |
Horsemanship Jackpot 34A |
English Equitation Jackpot 19A |
Jackpot 34A |
Trail 52, 53, 54 |
Trail 55, 56, 57, 58, 58A |
26-May |
Patterns |
Patterns |
Jackpot showmanship 5 |
Jackpot showmanship 5 |
Showmanship 6, 7, 8 |
Class 6,
Class 7,
Class 8 |
Showmanship 9, 10, 11 |
Class 9, 10, 11 |
Showmanship 12, 13, 14 |
Class 12,13,14 |
Trail 52, 53, 54 |
Class 49,
Class 50 |
Trail 55, 56, 57, 58 |
24-Apr |
> Trail classes (Saturday only) and 2 yr old and
under halter are added events for the 2018 show
season. If these classes are well attended
throughout the show season we will be asking the
membership to vote at our annual general
membership meeting held at the November 2018
banquet to vote on adding these classes to the
MMOHSC point approved class list for the 2019
show season. Although the Trail classes WILL
NOT count towards year end overall points this
year, we as your board, have approved additional
year ends awards for Trail points only they are
as follows:
19 & Over – Overall Trail Horse
18 & Under – Overall Trail Horse
Walk/Trot OPEN – Overall Trail Horse
Novice Rider/Horse – Overall Trail Horse
We have also approved a 2 yr. old and under
Overall Champion
We look forward to seeing everyone at the First
show which is our Fuzzy show on Saturday – May
12, 2018!!! |
12/13//2017 |
2018 Showbill available |
2017 |
1/18/2017 |
2017 Showbill available
Disciplined rails classes added for 2017.
Disciplined Rail Rules available |
2017 Patterns
Disciplined Rail Rules
Reining 1&2 - Eng/West Riding |
2016 |
12/16/2016 |
2017 show dates posted |
11/5/2016 |
M.M.O.H.S.C. Annual Awards Banquet Saturday – November 5, 2016 6:00
p.m. Dinner with awards to follow at the Shepherd High School
Cafeteria. The banquet is a potluck. Everyone is asked to
bring a dish to pass. Ham, drinks, and table service will be
provided. We are asking everyone to bring an item for the silent
auction. |
9/25/2016 |
Award emails sent |
2015 |
12/22/2015 |
2016 showbill available. |
9/28/2015 |
SCHOOL CAFETERIA POTLUCK BEGINS @ 6:00 P.M. (ham, table service, and
drinks provided) each family is asked to bring a YUMMY dish to
9/28/2015 |
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION There will be a $100.00 scholarship
awarded to one member at the 2015 Awards Banquet The
application is available under the Forms heading please fill
out and mail back to the address at the bottom of the
application. All applications must be post marked by November
1, 2015.
9/28/2015 |
Thank you letter from President |
9/28/2015 |
Proposed Rule Changes |
5/12/2015 |
ATTENTION: New this year points accumulated in the Jr. and Sr.
Horse English & Western Pleasure Classes count towards YEAR END
Exhibitors planning on showing a junior horse need to bring a
COPY of the horses registration papers to leave with the office.
5/1/2015 |
Sawdust available from Stutzman Feeds delivered to your stall
$5.50/bag Contact at 989-386-3013 or
michiganmetalroofingsales@gmail.com |
3/7/2015 |
2014 Award Summary: $9300 in Division Top 6 awards, $3000 in
Division Grand & Reserve awards, $6,143 in Jackpot class payouts,
475 class entries per show |
1/16/2015 |
2015 Showbill
available |
1/15/2015 |
Sanction letters sent |
1/14/2015 |
Old MMOHSC organization disolved and new organization established. |
2014 |
12/23/2014 |
Name has been changed to Mid-Michigan Open Horse
Shows Circuit |
12/10/2014 |
Their will special membership meeting on Wednesday,
January 14,
2015 at 7pm at the shepherd bar. This meeting will
be to review the current bylaws (see linked
document) and amend it to reflect our current status
MMOHSC Non-profit bylaw changes |
10/21/14 |
Annual Banquet,
November 8th 6:00pm- Shepherd High School,
Banquet Schedule,
Proposed By-Law Changes,
3/15/2014 |
AQHA Showbill available |
2/18/2014 |
MMOHSC Clinic with Christa Baldwin
- Saturday,
April 5, 2014
1/10/2014 |
"I Won" Interview with Andy Francis |
1/8/2014 |
Showbill and schedule released. |
2013 |
11/20/2013 |
"I Won" Interview with our 2013 Overall Champion
Jeanne Hugo |
11/9/2013 |
Division Top 6 winners earned over $8500 in awards. Division Grand &
Reserve collected another $3000 in awards. It was a GREAT year.
Thank you!!!
9/1/2013 |
Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet
November 9,
Shepherd High School
100 E Hall
Avenue, Shepherd,
MI 48883Agenda •
Meat provided, please bring a dish to pass |
4/29/2013 |
will be used for MMOHSC sponsored shows. |
4/20/2013 |
Updates to show information added
May 11-12 Show Updates
June 29 Show Updates |
3/28/2013 |
Propsoed Jr & Sr Horse award by-law change (3/28) |
3/22/2013 |
SignUpGenius for tracking volunteers |
2/13/2013 |
2013 Showbill
approved by Board. |
1/28/2013 |
PAC approved for 2013 |
2012 |
10/17/2012 |
Added the following documentation:
2012 Banquet Scedule
2013 Board Nominations
2013 Proposed By-Law changes 2013
Showbill |
10/1/2012 |
2012 Awards have been ordered. |
9/10/212 |
2012 award letters have been emailed. Responses due back by
Monday, Sept 24, 2012. |
8/27/2012 |
We ended
the year with 363 riders using 348 horses and 6070 registrations,
(3829 for 2011) |
Member Year End Top 6 •
2012 Top 6 Point Awards •
Award Tracking
All Particpant Show Points •
Map our Members •
Show attendance information
5/13/2012 |
Membership are now $20 for Individual and $30 for Family. |
3/30/2012 |
Alma College Equestrian Team -
Fuzzy Fun Come As You Are Open Horse Show, Alma - April 4, 2012
- 10:00am |
3/28/2012 |
The June 30 - July 1 show has been relocated from Ithaca to Midland. |
1/11/2012 |
Horse Show Participation Survey |
1/6/2012 |
Kim Dittenber and Jennie Bigelow have switched roles on the Board.
Jennie is now Vice President and Kim is Secretary. |
Tack Swap - Saturday, January
28, 2012. Ithaca Town & Country Recreation. 10:00am to
View Flyer |
2011 |
12/22/2011 |
Addded member horse gallery.
We are starting a gallery of MMOHSC horses and their owners. If
you're interested, please send me a picture of your horse (you are
optional, LOL) and a brief history, we'll get it started.
gwhbike@aol.com |
12/17/2011 |
Published tentative dates for 2012 show season. |
9/16//2011 |
Award Emails and Letters
have been sent. Deadline for return is Friday,
September 30, 2011. Please contact us if you
have questions. |
8/31/2011 |
After consulting with the former points secretary it
was determined trail classes DO NOT count towards
year end awards or catalog points. Trail classes are
not approved MMOHSC classes are not on our Standard
Showbill. trail points are being removed from
the year end totals and catalog points. |
7/13/2011 |
July 16-17 Midland Show Information, - 1:00 pm
Friday entry to fairgrounds, - Tack & Clothing
vendors, - $100.00 added to Jackpot classes -
Door prizes (drawing on Saturday), -
Shavings NOT available |
6/1/2011 |
Saturday June 4th is the Team Tournament.
Participants will receive a team t-shirt. There will
be a potluck (one hour) after the show to present
the prizes. This year’s prize is an embroidered
square hay bale bag. We will provide hot dogs, buns,
and paper products. You bring a dish to pass and
your own drinks. Hope to see everyone there!!! |
5/30/2011 |
Urgent Update!!! Stall prices in Mount Pleasant are
now $20.00. The Fair Board has raised the stall
cleaning portion of the price. However, if you clean
your own stall you will get a $5.00 refund per
stall. |
5/30/2011 |
Saturday June 4th is the Team Tournament. Participants will receive
a team t-shirt. There will be a potluck (one hour) after the show to
present the prizes. This year’s prize is an embroidered square hay
bale bag. We will provide hot dogs, buns, and paper products. You
bring a dish to pass and your own drinks. Hope to see everyone
there!!! |
4/30/2011 |
Teddy Bear
results available by
CLASS. Please note these DO
NOT count for anything. They are information
only. |
4/30/2011 |
URGENT!!! We have identified an error in some of the printed
showbills. Classes 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 7A, 13, 15, 21A, 22, 23, 35A, 38,
39 do not count for Daily High Point. Please make a note of it. The
on-line material has been updated to reflect the change. Thank you
and we apologize for any confusion. |
4/15/2011 |
Please check to make sure you have the latest and greatest showbill.
It's been reported that old copies with incorrect age divisions have
been circulating. |
3/10/2011 |
Reserved Back Numbers list added to Forms page. |
1/17/2001 |
Combined Membership and Back Numbers into one form. New MMOHSC
logo updated. |
2010 |
11/13/2010 |
Banquet, Nov 13,
Shepherd High School Cafeteria, 100 E Hall St, Shepherd, MI
11/5/2010 |
Updated forms for 2011 |
7/18/2010 |
2010 Prize catalog posted.
June Board meeting minutes posted |
3/19/2010 |
Started moving website to new web site hosting
equine.dynamicwebhost.net |
2/2/2010 |
Gratiot Ag
Society Showbill for June 26 & 27 |
1/28/2010 |
- The
2010 Newsletter has been posted.
- Revised Reining/Riding patterns. |
1/25/2010 |
Reining/Riding patterns
added. (Forms page) |
1/21/2010 |
Changed judge for July 10
show from Deanna Huerta to Richard Flowers. |
1/14/2010 |
Updated Teddy Bear and Yearly
Showbills. Please see
Event Calendar for showbill information. |
2009 |
12/19/2009 |
2010 Officers and Board members updated.
Board meetings changed from the 3rd
Tuesday to the 2nd Wednesday of the month. January
13, February 10, March 10 |
11/11/2009 |
- By-Law updates available for review.
- Forms page updated
for 2010
Revised points for
2009 Division Champions and Reserve
11/7/2009 |
2010 show dates available on main
page. |
9/21/2009 |
The printed newsletter is incorrect, the MMOHSC Banquet is November 14 at
Ashley High School
S New St, Ashley,
MI ) not Ithaca.
6:30 pm |
9/22/2009 |
Gratiot Ag Society is hosting their
Spooktacular Horse Show. October 24th at 10AM. NO SHOW
CLOTHES! There's something for everyone. |
9/16/2009 |
Amber Daniel has started equine photo editing. Please give her
site a look. --> http://ambersediting.webs.com/ |
9/8/2009 |
2009 Division Champions and Reserve |
3/2/2009 |
Work bee at the Ithaca fairgrounds,
Sat. April 18 from 10am - 1pm. If you're available please bring your
hammer. We'd love to see you! |
1/25/2009 |
Free Clinic and Tack Swap.
Saturday, March
21, 2009, 11am - 7pm, --->
Flyer |
1/12/2009 |
Annual New & Used Tack Sale, Hosted by Gratiot Agricultural Society
Saturday, January 31, 2009, 10:00am - 3:00pm
Town & Country Bowling Alley, Ithaca
Registration Form |